Ticket Sales

Ticket Sale Details!

We encourage every child to sell 10 tickets. Children of Corporate Sponsors and Parent Patrons contributing at least $250 are EXEMPT from selling tickets. Those families are welcome to sell the tickets included in this packet or simply send them back to school.

Each ticket sold comes with a chance to win $1,000! The raffle drawing will be held at the conclusion of Holiday Potpourri, but you do not have to be present to win. This will give the opportunity to purchase a ticket and support FPDS both for those who attend the event and those who cannot.

Tickets have a detachable stub at the bottom. The ticket buyer needs to complete the front of each stub, and the student selling the ticket should put their name on the back of each stub. Please note, if you are exempt from selling tickets, you are still eligible for the raffle, but you must complete the stubs and turn them in.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three ticket sellers from the school.

Additional tickets will be available upon request. We encourage you to continue to sell tickets after the initial 10 tickets provided.