Donating to FPDS
Thank you for considering a gift to First Presbyterian Day School. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated and needed to ensure the continuation of excellence in academics and spiritual emphasis here at FPDS. We covet your support and could not provide the same level of quality Christian education without your generous gifts.
FPDS Acorn Fund
FPDS Acorn Fund is our school's annual giving initiative. We invite you to invest in the mission of FPDS: to plant seeds of Christlikeness into the hearts of children. Gifts to the FPDS Acorn Fund will benefit each FPDS student, as the school will use the unrestricted funds to provide academic excellence and sew the gospel into every aspect of our children’s education. Your gift will also support keeping tuition competitive by supplementing the school’s annual budget. Planned areas of use for the Acorn Fund are professional development of the school’s staff as they teach and minister to our children, improvements to our school facilities and infrastructure, and enhancements to technology resources in the classroom. Most importantly, a gift to the FPDS Acorn Fund is your opportunity to partner with FPDS as we help grow our children from acorns of faith into “oaks of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:3).
Children’s Promise Act
The Children’s Promise Act is state legislation allowing businesses to receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for up to 50% of their Mississippi state tax liability when they make a voluntary cash contribution to an approved educational institution; FPDS has been approved to receive contributions through the Children’s Promise Act as an Educational Services Charitable Organization. Please contact Chase Wynn at chasew@fpcjackson.org.
Click here for Children’s Promise Act FAQ’s
Gift of cash or check.
Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church if over $250 for income tax credit. The checks should be designated for FPDS. Checks may be sent to:
First Presbyterian Day School
1390 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Gift matching.
Many companies offer programs that match their employees’ donations to First Presbyterian Day School. Please check with your employer to determine if a matching gift is available. In some cases, you will need to send FPDS matching gift paperwork. We are happy to complete any forms needed in a timely manner.
Gifts of stock and other appreciated securities.
A gift of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year is a wise way to give to FPDS. Please contact the Head of School for specific instructions for donating stocks, bonds, or other appreciated assets.
Planned gifts and bequests.
First Presbyterian Day School receives planned gifts and bequests to establish funds to honor and recognize friends or family who have included FPDs in their estate plans. Planned gifts and bequests allow you to support FPDS while realizing financial and tax benefits for you and your family. Please contact the Head of School to discuss planned giving and bequests.