At FPDS we ensure that your child gets to be a child. This goal is especially true in our approach to technology. We recognize that it is an important part of our everyday lives, but we utilize a balanced approach, especially in our youngest students. We believe that technology provides tools to aid in teaching and learning, but is not a replacement for the teacher.
Innovation Lab
Idea Lab
FPDS is an Apple school with iPads being used in kindergarten through 6th grade. Kindergarteners have access to iPads as needed in a centers-based approach with no more than 30 minutes of screen time a week.
1st and 2nd grade students have access to iPad carts shared among each grade for the use of enforcing reading and learning skills through various educational apps. Screen time is limited to no more than 1 hour a day, at most.
Each 3rd grade classroom has an iPad cart equipped with enough iPads for each student in that homeroom class. Students use the iPads to reinforce learning skills, take Accelerated Reading quizzes and tests, and to do research projects.
Beginning in 4th grade, iPads are assigned to each student for their use all the way through 6th grade. Technology becomes a little more of their daily routine at this level while still finding balance with screen time that is appropriate for this age level. Students in 4th grade have the ability to request permission to take their iPad home when needed to make up work or work on specific assignments. Students also use the iPads to reinforce learning skills, do research projects, practice keyboarding and more.
Students in 5th and 6th grade take their iPads home daily. These devices are part of the student’s daily set of tools to use for note taking, research projects, online tests and quizzes, and to continue to reinforce learning skills learned throughout the year.